ch-10 The book that saved the earth

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๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ญ. 

2019/12/01 09:18:26
Short answer type questions. 

Answer the following questions

 Q.1why was the 20th century called the era of books? 
ans:The 20th century was called the era of the books because they were the encyclopaedias of knowledge there were books about everything.
Books books were used to educate people and teach them. in fact, books were a very important part of life of the people. They were illustrated, punctuated and even decorated.
 ques 2-what does noodle tell think tank about the books? 
 ans- Initially,  Think-tank considers books as a crude refreshment stand but later,  Noodle informs him  that the Earthlings did not eat books they used them for communication. 

Qus3-How did Think -Tank missinterpret innocente nursery rhymes? 
 Ans-Think tank heard captain Omega transcribing certain nursery, rhymes like 'Mistress Mary'. The cat and the Fiddle and 'Humpty -Dumpty- had a great fall '.On hearing those poems, Think -tank concluded that the earthlings were  superior to them and in fact planning a attack on them. 
qus-4 why are books referred to as as man's best companion? which book saved the Earth from Martian's invasion? 

2019/12/01 09:20:32
Ans-Books have been Called a men's best companion as they always teach him the right things. They are the best companion because your friends may desert you in your hour of Need but a book will never leave you or give you the wrong guidance.

 qus-5 what did historian speak about the Martian invasion? 
ans-Historian  proclaimed that a book 'Mother Goose' has averted the Martian invasion on earth. They looked down upon earthlings. They misstook themselves as superior. 

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